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Join these discerning readers

Nice piece Joey. Bold stuff!

Colin Campbell likes just comfortable enough to stay stuck

Here’s a teaser from that article:

I ran into a former colleague the other day who was stuck in the most dangerous place: just comfortable enough to stay miserable.

I’ll show you how to steer clear of this familiar but draining situation.

And, if you’re in this situation, sending hugs. This technique might show you a way out.

Read now or don’t miss another gem like this and subscribe!

Nice post/newsletter, Jester 🙂

Lisa Ford likes when happy ends turn bad

Here’s a teaser from that article:

Sometimes, I wonder if I invested in a relationship too long before exiting.

In many posts (and a book!), I have demonstrated how I used journalling to reduce anxiety and regret in my decisions.

But that uneasy feeling of “That’s time I’ll never get back” creeps up when I least expect it and slaps me across the face.

Let’s talk about one of the most important relationships many of us will encounter: employment.

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Love this Joey,

Lou said “Love this Joey, exactly what I was talking to today about needing a way to get me to do the thing (at home workouts). I will try these tips tomorrow” about how I get my head in the game

Here’s a taste:

I first heard of the pregame routine from James Clear.

When I first heard about it, I wondered “do I need to be a sports fan to get this?”


Similar to a chef getting all their tools in place before cooking with intention, I was looking for something to put me in the zone.

Here are the requirements for a pregame routine.

  1. Make it something physical
  2. Something I can’t say “no” to.

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