The Imposter Solution takeaways

This was an easy-to-digest read by Cassandra Dunn. Here are my takeaways:

five steps to solution

There are five steps to getting control over Imposter Syndrome:

  1. Recognise
  2. Reframe
  3. Regulate
  4. Remember
  5. Respond

1. recognise

Understand the distinction between imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

Self-doubt diminishes with greater achievement.

Imposter syndrome strengthens with greater achievement.

If I find that I keep moving the goal-posts of “I will be believe in myself when …” then, it’s likely that I have imposter syndrome.

If I am starting in a new area where I haven’t met my goals, then it’s likely a matter of self-doubt and the remedy is to start getting some results on the board.

Afterwards, it’s probably worth checking-in and evaluating my self-belief to see whether it is responding to my achievements.

2. reframe

By owning my success and achievements, I can help break down barriers and challenge stereotypes.

That is, when I own my success, I demonstrate to others in my community that they can achieve great things too.

And that they deserve it.

This advice was profound.

By connecting to a cause larger than myself, I am more motivated to own my success and also break down imposter syndrome at a broader, community level.

3. regulate

When I acknowledge that imposter syndrome can aggravate my nervous system, I can better find the solution.

If I cultivate mindfulness, I can be more aware of where my nervous system is at and stimulate or calm accordingly.

Here are some of my favourite tactics from the book:

  • calm the nervous system through rhythmic movements like dancing.
  • stimulate the nervous system through cold showers or tactile experiences like kneading playdough.

4. remember

I try to remember why I’m attempting to push through the discomfort of feeling like an imposter.

Dunn lists many tools to connect with purpose but my favourite is to affirm myself for doing tough things by giving myself a pat on the back, regardless of the outcome.

This is somewhat related to point 2 in that I am connecting to the thing that is bigger than what I am feeling Imposter Syndrome around.

For example, if I feel like I am an Imposter in writing a book about decision-making, I can connect to the higher purpose of wanting to help people change their relationship to anxiety and decision-making by sharing what worked for me.

closing comments

Initially, I started reading this book to help clients with their struggles in identifying as a creative with worthwhile gifts to offer. However, I quickly found myself with new tools and understanding of imposter syndrome to help myself.

It’s a short enough read for me to recommend to anyone but especially those that are struggling with imposter syndrome.

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